Attachments: You Are What You Love via Chuck DeGroat [SSL 252]

Today, I’m featuring some work by the fantastic Chuck DeGroat.

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Eps 142: Guest, CJ Casciotta; Finding Your Sacred Weird

Today my guest is CJ Casciotta.

To get the EXTRAS for this episode and more info about CJ’s work, go the Spark My Muse Podcast support page HERE.

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Eps 122: Time Travel and Holy Purposes, guest Gene Stevenson

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.

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Today’s guest is Gene Stevenson.


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Eps 109: Pádraig Ó Tuama and Lumpy Crossings

Welcome to Spark My Muse!
(Audio is released each Wednesday)

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warm regards


Pádraig Ó Tuama

Poet, theologian, group worker, and leader of Corrymeela Community of Northern Ireland, Pádraig has worked with groups in Ireland, Britain, the US, and Australia. With interests in storytelling, groupwork, theology, and conflict, Pádraig lectures, leads retreats and writes both poetry, prose, and music..

Click for MORE episode INFO, show notes with links, details and more, click HERE!

Books by Pådraig:


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Esp 86: Decay, Death, Renewal, and Healing in DETROIT, guest Jessica Aguilar-Christy

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.

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Today my guest is Jessica Aguilar-Christy. Jessica’s many talents, diverse background and work in the Detroit area got my attention, through our mutual connect Charlie Porter (host of Fable podcast). Our meandering conversation will give you a sense of the rebirth of Detroit as well as some surprising ways spiritual traditions and practices can cohere for a richer and more integrated life and service to others.

MIN 2:50

Learning yoga, finding healing, wisdom and integrating it with the Christian faith.

Yoga Sutra Patanjali – 5,000 year old text

8 fold path

Mantra Yoga

MIN 5:20 Hotha Yoga

Wisdom commonalities of the wisdom texts of the bible and the Yoga Sutra Patanjali

The bodily senses have been overlooked in modern Christian

MIN 8:20 Vinyasa yoga (linking breath and movement aka “hot yoga”)

MIN 11:30

Moving from cerebral and visual and leaving the body and staying in the head.

MIN 12:00

Apophatic and Katophatic ways of being

MIN 18:00

Jessica’s spiritual and religious background and her recent “trouble-making”

Charlie Porter of Fable podcast

Patty Lynch

Lynch and Sons (Mortician)

Slow Brew Theology and the power of story

22:30 Bible and Brew

Jefferson Ave Presbyterian Church

MIN 26:30

The story of Detroit (and especially recently)

MIN 30:30

90 years of Scottish Presbyterian tradition


MIN 33:00

The Detroit Pints and Parables Event

MIN 38:00

Let your symptoms teach you

Peter Rollins on Facebook Live FREE material

Friendly Fire Course

MIN 46:00

Death Salons trend

death class


MIN 49:30

Day of the Dead


Dia del los Muertos (Mexican)

Celebration of depleted loved ones.

All Saints Day in Catholic tradition.


Ghosts, people we miss, and grief

MIN 53:30

Book of Life

Death and grieving being a part of our spiritual formation


• Twitter @jesuyogini

Her website:
• Jesuyogini -Yoga teaching for followers of Christ

Detroit: Slow Brew Theology

• Twitter @slobrwtheology

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