The Straight Dope (on your brain) [SSL 67]


Another Wednesday Audio delivery!
This is Soul School Lesson 67 (SSL 67)

The human brain is a “soup” of chemicals (the consistency of soft butter) encased in the bone “bowl” of your skull. This gelatinous cocktail needs to stay in balance for optimal mental and bodily health. Today, I’ll talk about serotonin and dopamine and an experiment I’m taking during February that you might want to try too. (scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER)

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[ictt-tweet-blockquote]I found an audio episode at Spark My Muse on power and corruption-I think you should check it out![/ictt-tweet-blockquote]

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Today the show notes will connect you to the scientific studies, resources and articles related to the topic of this episode on brain chemicals.

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Eps 75: Magic, Deception, Hypnosis–Guest, Kevin Ferguson

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Today, my guest is writer and magician Kevin Ferguson.


Just like magic, you can share an audio clip of the show. Use the Clammr app below.


MIN  1:00

Kevin’s start in magic

MIN 4:00

What is possible (learning magic)

Min 5:30the Magician the tricks that have most stumped Kevin: Derek Brown


  • Reading minds, predicting the future,

(no stooges)

MIN 7:00

magic as Psychological

MIN 9:00 Hypnotic techniques

faith healers

Deception and influence

MIN 10:00


Should we have a Science of Magic? Kevin’s latest piece in @NautilusMag 

Magic as a Science

Nautilus Magazine 

Gustav Kuhn

Psychology and Magic and the Brain

How beliefs form or are manipulated.

MIN 12

Eye tracking

Limits of attention

How beliefs are formed

Agency and choice

Events the violate causality / magical thinking

MIN 14:30


Looking for patterns

Placebo effect and hypnosis

Assassin episode

A man is hypnotized to murder someone in a theatre.

MIN 17:30

Who is susceptible?

Did they truly believe it was real or just play along?

MIN 18:00

Based on Robert Kennedy assassination case.

MIN 20:00

In Kevin’s opinion, can hypnotized people do something against their morals?

MIN 22:30

What is the hypnosis state actually and measurably?

MIN 25:30

You have to believe you will be hypnotize.

MIN 28:00

Learning from the Science and art of Magic to understand mental disorders and childhood states of wonder.

MIN 29:30

Bringing wonder (or unsolvable puzzle) in the present to adults which is what children have all the time.

MIN 32:30

Performing magic for analytical audiences.

MIN 34:00

Performing Magic in different cultural settings. Card tricks for Japanese.

MIN 36:00

People who believe the magic is real and Kevin has really supernatural powers and the ethical dilemma that presents.

MIN 38:00

Once all mystery is gone. Shallow and throw away knowledge.

MIN 40:30

Never make an iPhone disappear.

MIN 42:30

Eps 70: Sexuality and Spiritual Formation, Guest Tara Owens

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Today, my guest is anam cara (soul friend), Tara Owens, of Anam Cara Ministries.

Tara’s ministry exists to provide a place dedicated to the practice of soul friendship and coming alongside others in order to facilitate healing, wholeness, holiness and spiritual formation.

• We cover topics about embodiment, sexuality, sensuality,  body shame, body and brain disconnect, fear, technology, the vow of “staying with”, spiritual direction, holy listening and attending to others, and using an adult coloring book as a spiritual practice.

• SCROLL DOWN and click the AUDIO PLAYER to listen and to view Show Notes! biopic

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MIN 2:00
Conversations Journal – Spiritual Formation


In direction you receive the full attention of someone.

Holy listening and focused fully loving attention and being entirely listened to.

A long loving look at the real together.


Do homework to find a director that has the training to truly attend during your sessions.

The holy ground of the soul. Sacred space.


Who are the typical people who come for direction?


Working with Millenials


Crisis points in faith and needing a director.

Sexuality and Spiritual Formation

Embracing the Body: Finding God in our Flesh and Bones

part I Fears around the Body (we are our body)

part II Theology about the Body

part III Integrating our Body (shalom and the body)

God speaks to us in and through our body

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]-[Mistakenly] We relate to ourselves as “brains on sticks” -[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Our beliefs about God come to supersede our experiences of God


We can be taught that the body is the entry point of danger and sin. (Lisa) This is the opposite of true.

Male and Female bodies and brains.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]“Shame disintegrates us.”[/ictt-tweet-inline]

(we are separated from ourselves.)

“Our bodies can’t lie.” 

MIN 18

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]“Our bodies will tell us what we believe.”[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 20 The brain and body disconnect. The silos we create.

MIN 21:30

Genesis 12

Vision and a word.

The fully-sensual nature and wholeness of being human and spiritual.


A walk being spiritual.


The Emmaus Walk and Prayer Walk

and other practices

Practicing really breathing

Attending to the “ruach” of God (Hebrew for breath)

We usually breath with just 20% of our lungs.

Blessing their body.

MIN 28:00

Body shame and self-loathing

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]“Being willing to look at yourself with kind eyes”[/ictt-tweet-inline]

we participate in a degradation of our bodies and seeing what is wrong.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]We are conduits of God’s blessing.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Bernard of Clairvaux

We are not a canal but a reservoir – give out of overflow after we have received from God


The truth about Selfies

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””][Selfies are] not vanity but a mask and fear.[/ictt-tweet-inline]


It is not good for humans to be alone.


Staying connected with people once it gets messy.


The tool of technology.

Skills for connection if you have gaps.

The vows of “staying with” and not leaving when it gets hard.

The discipline of stability.


The challenge of Embodiment.

Liturgy should involve: God, creation, and other people.

Communion is a tangible way to be physical and incarnate. (meals together)

No more tiny bits of Jesus.


Tara’s latest project:

At Play in God’s Creation:

Contemplative Prayer Coloring Book

96 pages!



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Eps 69: Guiding People from Fear to Solidarity

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Steven Hovater, a multi-talented man, is my guest today.

He creates several podcasts. He is a pastor. He makes apps. He is a family man: husband and dad of four (including two adopted daughters). And, as you will hear, he’s a lot of fun to converse with. I hope to have him back in the future as a return guest. Enjoy!


Click the red and white icon below to share an audio snippet:

Listen to other recent episodes too:

SHOW NOTES for episode 69

Steven’s Podcast – Spiritual Stepshovaterspiritualsteps

(He also creates The Craft of Ministry podcast and just recently the Twine Threads of Faith podcast)

MIN 3:00

Spiritual Steps is a vehicle for his faith community to not be dominated by fears and anxieties.

[ictt-tweet-inline hashtags=”#fear” via=””]You can’t simply be educated out of fear.[/ictt-tweet-inline] (Click the bird to tweet this!)

“Islamophobia is more phobia than Islam.”

John Barton – Click to read the article

cultural change feels fearful.


Spiritual practices and disciplines (mainly prayer)

Rewiring the brain.


How do we want to be in the world in common life.


The fruit of what you create.

When you think a sermon stinks but then it ends up blessing others.


[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Part of our calling in the world is to join in the creative impulse of the divine.[/ictt-tweet-inline] (click the bird to tweet this!)


How missional living plays out in Steve’s life


Righteousness and Judgment properly understood.


The problem of available work in his area.


The types of work left for humans to do is going away and this changes how we see ourselves.


Being radically alive





Making Prayer and completive prayer more accessible:

Thomas Merton


The Prayer of  Solidarity– click here to read.


Gregory Pastoral Rule – Click here to read

For other episodes related to human dignity, you will enjoy this episodes:

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Soul School – Lesson 34: A Flexible Perspective on Suffering

Wednesday JUNE 8th, 8pm EDT is…
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(released every Wednesday!)

If you want to be healed from past or present issues, getting emotional distance and a proper perspective from your painful thoughts, worries, and experiences is crucial. Easier SAID than done, right?

In the world of therapy, Dr Steven Hayes developed a powerful technique to facilitate that distance and achieve what is called “psychological flexibility”.

Humans are particularly good at achieving psychological flexibility, if we practice; and the basics are easy to understand.

READY to put the days of getting mentally or emotionally hijacked behind you?

(If you heard audio you’d like to share, just click the CLAMMR icon below.)

, in Lesson 34, I talk about the basics of using psychological flexibility and the important work of Dr Steven Hayes.

• His therapy is call ACT: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The clinical studies demonstrate how successful the approach is. I encourage you to find out more after you finish the short Soul School episode. Watch his video and use the link to his website below.

[ictt-tweet-blockquote]Change PAIN into PURPOSE.[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]


Click for Dr Hayes’ website and resources.


In this video he explained how his sudden onset anxiety disorder helped him come up with a therapy to create mental flexibility and distance that could be taught and demonstrated successful in clinical trails.

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