Shane is a Soul Friend (Spiritual Director) with a focus on artists and creatives, be they “yuccies”, “slashies”, painters, musicians, or any one in need of deeper and more sustaining, soul-level communing.
How we find spark:
Together, we make the Spark My Muse podcast happen.
I prepare something and you digest it.
I invite you to just listen, read the show notes and click on links, and give what you can.
That’s all. :)
• If it’s worth nothing…um what? Are you serious? This just got more awkward..Aw…snap! I sincerely apologize. Let me know what I can improve and please come back and listen again soon!
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Thank you, listeners for making the show heard in 96 countries and a,l 50 of the United States!
• A trained Anam Cara (soul friend in the Irish Tradition).
• He lived with his wife and family in Ireland for 11 years!
Conversation (podcast) notes:
How Shane and his wife and family happened to live in Ireland for 11 years.
How God begins to grow dreams in us
Working at the Willow Creek Church
People have long said that still seems true. When foreigners come that end up being more Irish than the Irish themselves.
One of the most potent lessons learned from the Irish was the necessity to put people first. They take time to connect with each other and share life.
9:00 A sense of call to minister to artist and creatives.
9:40 On why he feels a passion to serve the creative community: “I believe the creative of today is the prophet of old”. It is a prophetic call.
“Creatives are called to paint a picture of the future that God is calling us all into. His Kingdom coming.”
“When a creative (person) using their gift…it taps into something deep inside of us and reverberates…and it feels like echoes of home.”
Jesus invites us to “walk with me and work with me.”
answering: What is Spiritual Direction (or soul friendship) actually?
A soul friend is “the best friend you’ve always wanted.”
and the Saint Bridgette quote…
A good picture is in the New Testament of the friends walking to Emmaus and then Jesus come in their midst. Unpacking life.
“The Soul Friend is someone who helps us see how God has been at work in our lives…so we can (as St. Ignatius says) “to recklessly abandon ourselves to his loving care.”
The problem with the phrase “Spiritual Director” on two counts so I use “soul friend”.
How he was trained in soul care and soul friendship
On becoming an Anglican Priest…
What he find to be the deepest needs of the creative community he works with?
Affirmation and Presence
Living in a Creative Age (moving from head to heart)
There’s an affective moving in society leading with Beauty first and then Truth that leads to freedom.
Alan Crieder
Behave Belong Believe (in which order should be in what era)
“What the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind justifies.”
The error of focusing too much on trying to convince people just intellectually.
Ignatian Spirituality
Celtic Spirituality
Soul Friendship
by Rev Ray Simpson (Church of England)
The Celtic Way of Prayer
by Ester De Waal
Holy Companions
on the hospitality and generosity of Irish spirituality.
The story of an Inn with 7 doors for the 7 roads.
Thank you so much for listening to the show!
To get alerts of the topics and the new and interesting folks coming to the podcast in future episode click HERE.
Here’s a tasting of who’s coming in the next few months:
Have you ever gotten in over your head as a parent? Maybe having kids at all was over your head to begin with.
When I saw this picture, and the wild panic in the face of this dad, I actually felt a great relief…that I wasn’t him.
What caption would you give this photo?
He was just going to pet him, honey.
Once I passed out and dropped Ellie when she about 4 months old. Now that’s a mistake! We took her right to the ER. It turned out that she was quite fine, and she got away with just a light red mark on her forehead. I got prescribed a Sprite. (Probably that beverage really cost about $800.)
The doctor said, “Now she can blame you for everything, because you dropped her on her head.”
“I think she more or less slid off my lap, but I plan to not tell her,” I said.
As it is now, if Ellie were any smarter, I might want to drop her on purpose. Maybe from a tree top. By her school marks, and testing scores, it may have had a beneficial effect. So, there you have it.
What mistake have you made, or has a parent made with you?