Motivation and 3 Notions of Consciousness [SSL81]

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery – FREE!

This is Soul School Lesson 81

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[ictt-tweet-blockquote]Here’s an audio episode at Spark My Muse that I think you should check out right now![/ictt-tweet-blockquote]

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For more information about this episode including the Consciousness articles mentioned, links and extras, CLICK HERE.


(The featured image is title “Nested Selves by David Goehring)

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Welcoming Neutrality into our Unfolding Lives? [SSL78]

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery – FREE!

This is Soul School Lesson 78

Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER.

(Feature photo is a Creative Common image from Flickr called “Tobacco Farmer” taken by The Tenth Dragon.)

 For more information about this episode with links and extras,

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[ictt-tweet-blockquote]Here’s an audio episode at Spark My Muse that I think you should check out right now![/ictt-tweet-blockquote]

I hope you enjoy the program today.
Contribute if you can using the PayPal button below.
Thank you, in advance, for your kindness.


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1. Share the program with another person today.
2. Leave a Rating / Write a Review on iTunes.
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Soul School-Lesson 50: The Fountain of Life EXPLAINED (part 1)

Welcome to Spark My Muse!


Episodes are released each Wednesday (aka “Hump Day” aka Midweek).


Have you ever had a “pang of awesome” in your chest when you did a good thing? That’s the feeling you get when you help here.

Spark My Muse takes me 25-30 hours per week and costs money out-of-pocket each month to create, produce, and host online. Listeners, like you, give in support to defray the cost so the show can stay alive and well. Thank you for giving today. 

What can you give $5, $10, or $20?
takes just 90 seconds a few clicks.

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HEAR the OTHER parts in the series:







Proverbs and other wisdom literature contain truisms and practical help and guidance for not promises.

Truism – a statement of common obvious truth.

MIN 2 David A Dorsey

Read a chapter in the book of PROVERBS

For the ancients, the heart was not the seat of emotions (like we tend to see it now).
The heart was seen like we might see the mind today. Or a combination of the mind, heart, and will–the core of a person. For the ancients, the emotions resided in the bowels.

The language of the wisdom literature and choosing the right path.

Thank you for listening today!

Hear another episode by clicking below:

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Soul School – Lesson 48: Embodying Ritual and Transition

Welcome to Spark My Muse!


These brief “lessons” are released each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek).

• Come back FRIDAYS for intriguing guest conversations! This Friday is my special guest: insightful philosopher, theologian, author and clever storyteller, Peter Rollins.

Spark My Muse costs hundreds of dollars out-of-pocket each month to create, produce, and host online. Listeners, like you, feel a spasm of joy giving $5 or $10 to help it continue. It takes just 90 seconds to help!


Show notes

Transitions in life, pivotal moments, and things of significance often stay in abstraction in our minds. Nevertheless, as humans we are embodied souls–if you will. We are beings who experience a full array of sensations with our felt senses. Instead of being cut off from these very human ways of interacting with the world and with each other, I say we should go the extra bit and bring our interior world to the surface in tangible and representational ways. What if we embody and physically ritualize this part of us–when it makes sense? That is, make it sacramental or give what is invisible a visible placeholder.

Today’s episode focuses on how we might integrate mind and body and inhabit or even perform in a space in the tangible world that allows for rites of passage or significant moments in our times of life transitions. What if we create a holistic and gracious space for our thoughts and feelings representationally, as we journey through difficult, monumental, or joyous moments that seem too rich or deep to keep within? Will this make it possible to be “more authentically ourselves”?

(You can share an audio clip in a snap using the Clammr app below.)

I invite you to listen to recent episodes:

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Soul School – Lesson 33: You are a Meaning Maker

Thank you so very much for listening!

Each Wednesday is a Soul School lesson and each Friday is a conversation with a featured guest.

Today’s Soul School is about perceiving your surroundings and coming up with categories to make meaning of the world.

Do you enjoy Spark My Muse?
Then, please rate the show on iTunes and contribute as a supporter.

It only takes $1 to get extra goodies, help the show financially survive, and co-create by deciding important things along with other supporters. 

• Take look at the questions I’ve put up and weigh in; and check out the support rewards, too, here.
Your input is valuable. Collaboration makes the spark brighter!

• By supporting for $1 you also get a PREVIEW of extras available at the Varsity Club level.
You can see PART II of Soul School, Lesson 28.
• Click-here to get access now.

ANNOUNCING A Varsity Club, MEMBER’S ONLY Special Event:
WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2016.
8pm EDT.

  • Monthly Supporters at the $5 level (or higher) get some special perks–like access to exclusive events, classes, and discussions. (It’s called the “Varsity Club”.)

• Clubbers get access to PART II video lessons and handouts from Soul School Lessons 18-29, and more.

JUNE 8th Event:

Join me live (and get access to the REPLAY anytime).

• Learn routines and spiritual practices that enhance emotional wellness and a more peaceful life.

• Learn how the brain processes and categorizes spiritual experiences.

• Learn how to develop “better hearing” for your inner world.

• Learn how to avoid the most common traps that will hijack you mentally and emotionally.

• Time for Q & A.

[1 hour event. FREE to monthly sponsors at all Varsity Club levels.]
(You will be sent a special access link to attend.)

Don’t miss the next episode.
Be sure to subscribe (see below) and listen to the Friday episode with my guest, On Friday, Masie Smith invites us to “embrace our weirdness”. Hear her fascinating story and be encouraged.