Eps 74: Anxiety At the Base of Belief – Guest, Tad DeLay

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Have you been EXPECTING DeLays?

DeLayed gratification is good for the soul….but wait no longer!

Today’s guest is TAD DeLAY.

(Tad and I are not related, but we both enjoy the humor that comes along with having an odd last name.)

Tad is interested in the intersections of Continental philosophy, theology, psychoanalysis, critical theory, and politics and is a PhD student (philosophy of religion and theology) at Claremont Graduate University, and holds an MA philosophy and an MA theology. He sees his vocation as aiming to make theory public. His second book, The Cynic & the Fool, will be available in late 2016.


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MIN 2:00
“God is Unconscious”

• Sigmund Freud 
Jacques Lacan 

What “God is Unconscious” means.

MIN 5:00
The concept of “The Big Other”

If there is no God nothing is possible anymore -a play on Dostoevsky.

The Big Other gives us reference to authorizes us to do something.

(you’d second guess everything)

The void that the gods are covering over.

Removing gods doesn’t do as much as you think.

MIN 8:30
The people not afflicted by “the Big Other” are psychotic
They are not liberated.

MIN 10:30
Shared norms and morals the beginnings of society. A collective neurosis. “The Good” “The right” “The gods”

In a sense there is failure of those social rules to regulate those rules in a psychotic.

The Cynic and Fool

Sigmund Frued people engage in repetitive behaviors that don’t work because we appreciate the certainty. There is some pleasure in feeling guilty.

Story of the the compliant good girl
Does the Big Other is dead but does the Big Other know he’s dead

We change the language around but we keep the essential language around of trying to please the Big Other and keep that in place.”

When Identity Signifiers aren’t working in your life.

Rank and identity

MIN 22:00
Psychoanalyst is interested in only what doesn’t work b/c what doesn’t work is what people are enjoying the most.

MIN 23:30
What the Cynic and Fool means and the 3 problems upfront.

The fiction underlying most binaries.

cynic – manipulation, means to an end.
fool – believing directly or wish.

Institutional pressures.

MIN 29:00
Job prospects for seminary students who learn thing their congregations wouldn’t want to believe.

MIN 31:00
A Lacan example:
Leftist foolish desire
Right wing crook honesty

MIN 36:00
A quote related to anxiety.

Paul Tillich theologian.

The base of every ritual- organize into something productive

ontological – the way things are – we will die
moral – we might be guilty
spiritual – we we question whether our life will be meaningless

Eucharistic as an example.
means connection for some
means comfort for some
means justice for others
minimizes anxiety

MIN 40:00
Anxiety never lies.

Anxiety DOES have an object but it’s usually imaginary.

Anxiety THEN doubt. (not the other way)

You don’t have say in what you believe.

Keep anxiety at bay by staying ambiguous.

Anxiety is at the base of religion and rituals and even beliefs themselves.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]“Orthodoxy is what you hold on to when you have nothing left to say about the doctrine itself.” -via @taddelay[/ictt-tweet-inline]

(Tweet that amazing quote–just click the blue bird.)

Certainty …holding anxiety at bay….and you feel certain because you are actually ambiguous .

MIN 46:00
The Kettle story

The book of Job and the 3 argument about suffering.

How people deal with suffering.

MIN 52:00
When the book comes out. The Cynic and the Fool – Tad’s AMAZON page

Kester Brewin website

Hear the fantastic conversation– the Spark my Muse episode with Kester Brewin:

Visit Tad’s website: taddelay.com

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Soul School – Lesson 44: Finding Abundant Love (Wisdom from Krista Tippet)

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These installments come out each Wednesday (Hump Day – Midweek). Guest interviews come out each FRIDAY.

This week, I’m inspired to share a taste about the abundance of love and connection and some of my reflections, from one of my favorite broadcasters and authors, Krista Tippet, from her new book: Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Art and Mystery of Living.

* UPDATE: Krista heard this episode and sent me a note.


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Listen to Krista Tippet’s award-winning and top rated program ON BEING here.

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Eps 72: Deconstructionists RECAP with Adam & John on Jack Caputo

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Adam Narloch and John Williamson of the Deconstructionist Podcast!


I put lots of effort into the show notes so they are amazing and helpful for you.
Scroll down for those and enjoy the show!


(You can share an audio clip from the show by using the Clammr app below. Just click the red and white logo

Hear Adam and John the previous time they came on the Spark My Muse show: Episode 59.

SHOW NOTES for Episode 72

It’s a special podcast powwow with Adam and John as we deconstruct / unpack their recent conversation with remarkable guest John D. Caputo!
(often referred to as Jack)

Min 2
“What Would Jesus Deconstruct” by Jack Caputo

(John) On Jack Caputo and his work related to Philosopher Jacques Derrida

The Weakness of God – by Jack Caputo

Other books by John D. Caputojack_Caputo

MIN 3:30

The meaning of “Weak Theology”

(briefly explained)

Tragedies bring out the questions of Theodicy (or so-called “weak theology”) and the questions of why good God would allow humans to suffer. We talk about how we perceive weakness compared to how God might encounter or solve that. It’s a loving term of weakness.

Looking at Jesus dying on the cross as a metaphor for weakness. (sacrifice)

Violence begets more violence.
The solution is a surprising one.

MIN 6:30


[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Foolishness of God is the great reversal and is the premise of weak theology.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Michel Foucault on knowledge and power

MIN 8:20
Why the Deconstructionist podcast is not heterodox or counter-orthodoxy or heretical:

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Theology isn’t something you can capture and freeze.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Beliefs are constructed through history are relatively stable (this is why they last throughout time) but they are also relatively unstable then too. It’s both dangerous to mess with the beliefs and dangerous to keep them frozen too.

MIN 10

(John) The nugget John found in the conversation:

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Deconstruction is not a drive-by shooting.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

• Karen Armstrong’s work – (books)

Ancient people, scribes, leaders, and rabbi’s were always struggling with how to interpret scripture.

MIN 13:00
The cultural legacy of a modernity mindset is to think that the Bible could be seen as inerrant.

The re-imagining of the Scriptures.

MIN 13:30



It’s not that we have to destroy it but we have to continue to to image and expose the Scripture to its own future.

MIN 15:00

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]If Justice or Hospitality exists, it calls to us. It’s something we imagine and pray for and long for. God doesn’t exist, God insists.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 16:30

“You can’t be a fascist of knowledge.” -Adam Narloch

MIN 17:30
Some people think deconstructing is negative and a dead end. Why deconstructing is not a dead end but rather life-giving.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]The desire beyond desire. It calls us to the next thing. We mistake desire for the thing.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 18:30


Further up and further in…

the thing calling us forward. The beyond the beyond. The deconstructive process continues and we have to keep opening it up.

MIN 20:00

(John) Being comfortable of the Mystery of God.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Who created God? you realize is the wrong question.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 23:30

(Lisa) My own deconstructing the image of Jesus, of God, and the mystery of understanding how our brains understand reality through constructions.

MIN 25:00


The alien orb. Sphere a Michael Crighton novel.

The Anthropomorphic problem – people make things people-like.

Jewish people are iconoclastic. No graven images. Images don’t capture the meaning.

Jesus is iconoclastic because he comes as divine coming in human form.

The temple curtain is torn revealing that nothing was there behind it because there was more to be revealed.

MIN 29:00


[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Pluralism helps us deconstructs and helps take us to deeper truth.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 32:00

Wrestling with God is our “calling” (as humans). In other words, it’s our most basic human experience.

Hear Robcast with Rabbi Joel.

MIN 33 (Adam)

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Enlightenment has co-opted inside religion to take the wrestling [with God] out.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 33:30


on their podcast being referred to as “dangerous”

Heresy in the Middle Ages related to power and government structures (not spirituality).

The influence of the famous women mystics threatened power structures more than personal spiritual devotion in the lives of people.

MIN 36:00

• Revisionist History podcast Malcom Galdwell.

Do a revisionist history on the church heretics.

Check out Pelagius and see if maybe he wasn’t a heretic.

MIN 39:00

on Paul’s letters (which became part of collection of books now know as The Holy Bible) were the documents that were preserved the best (and most shaped what is now Christianity)

MIN 43:00

Paul’s authority.

The scandal of turning Paul’s letters into a new law would have deeply grieved Paul.

The Fidelity of Betrayal – Peter Rollins

• Peter Rollins’ books

Hear Episode 18 of the Deconstructionist Podcast featuring Jack Caputo here.

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Eps 70: Sexuality and Spiritual Formation, Guest Tara Owens

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Today, my guest is anam cara (soul friend), Tara Owens, of Anam Cara Ministries.

Tara’s ministry exists to provide a place dedicated to the practice of soul friendship and coming alongside others in order to facilitate healing, wholeness, holiness and spiritual formation.

• We cover topics about embodiment, sexuality, sensuality,  body shame, body and brain disconnect, fear, technology, the vow of “staying with”, spiritual direction, holy listening and attending to others, and using an adult coloring book as a spiritual practice.

• SCROLL DOWN and click the AUDIO PLAYER to listen and to view Show Notes! biopic

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MIN 2:00
Conversations Journal – Spiritual Formation


In direction you receive the full attention of someone.

Holy listening and focused fully loving attention and being entirely listened to.

A long loving look at the real together.


Do homework to find a director that has the training to truly attend during your sessions.

The holy ground of the soul. Sacred space.


Who are the typical people who come for direction?


Working with Millenials


Crisis points in faith and needing a director.

Sexuality and Spiritual Formation

Embracing the Body: Finding God in our Flesh and Bones

part I Fears around the Body (we are our body)

part II Theology about the Body

part III Integrating our Body (shalom and the body)

God speaks to us in and through our body

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]-[Mistakenly] We relate to ourselves as “brains on sticks” -[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Our beliefs about God come to supersede our experiences of God


We can be taught that the body is the entry point of danger and sin. (Lisa) This is the opposite of true.

Male and Female bodies and brains.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]“Shame disintegrates us.”[/ictt-tweet-inline]

(we are separated from ourselves.)

“Our bodies can’t lie.” 

MIN 18

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]“Our bodies will tell us what we believe.”[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 20 The brain and body disconnect. The silos we create.

MIN 21:30

Genesis 12

Vision and a word.

The fully-sensual nature and wholeness of being human and spiritual.


A walk being spiritual.


The Emmaus Walk and Prayer Walk

and other practices

Practicing really breathing

Attending to the “ruach” of God (Hebrew for breath)

We usually breath with just 20% of our lungs.

Blessing their body.

MIN 28:00

Body shame and self-loathing

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]“Being willing to look at yourself with kind eyes”[/ictt-tweet-inline]

we participate in a degradation of our bodies and seeing what is wrong.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]We are conduits of God’s blessing.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Bernard of Clairvaux

We are not a canal but a reservoir – give out of overflow after we have received from God


The truth about Selfies

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””][Selfies are] not vanity but a mask and fear.[/ictt-tweet-inline]


It is not good for humans to be alone.


Staying connected with people once it gets messy.


The tool of technology.

Skills for connection if you have gaps.

The vows of “staying with” and not leaving when it gets hard.

The discipline of stability.


The challenge of Embodiment.

Liturgy should involve: God, creation, and other people.

Communion is a tangible way to be physical and incarnate. (meals together)

No more tiny bits of Jesus.


Tara’s latest project:

At Play in God’s Creation:

Contemplative Prayer Coloring Book

96 pages!




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Eps 68: Discovering Fable – Guest Charlie Porter

Today, I welcome podcaster, Charlie Porter of Fable Podcast as my guest.

fable logo

We cover a range of topics including his story of doubt and disorientation and then reconnection to deeper life and meaning through story.

If you want to share audio of this episode use the red and white icon below.

Show notes:

MIN 1:00
Charlie’s story of picking up the pieces and starting a new story.

MIN 4:00

Peter Pan and Captain Hook

• Peter Pan syndrome

Not wanting our faith to grow up. Not wanting to ask questions because that ground is uncharted.

MIN 10:30
On the old folk tales that tell us who we are, even now.

MIN 11:30

The role of fantasy and escapism after 9/11. (Lisa a la Brene Brown)
Charlie was in 8th grade during the Twin Tower attack–and has no cultural experience off “escapism”.

• Discourse Theory- Laclau and Mouffe – Nodal Points PDF

MIN 15:30 Captain American – Civil War

MIN 17:30

Charlie’s story about the homeless man in downtown Detroit.

MIN 24:30
Being aware of “Thin Spaces”

MIN 26:30
God’s call (in the Bible to his people) to remembrance.
Sacred places, festivals, sacraments, and times of being “woke”.

Drops Like Stars by Rob Bell

Anticipating “thin spaces” and getting through rocky times through vulnerability.

MIN 31:00
Truly seeing others.

George Fox “The Spirit can speak to thine own condition.” (possible quote)

Jacob is woken within his dream to see the angels going up and down from heaven.

Lucid Dreams

(my short book on the topic)

Neuroscience study – lucid dreaming (link)

• Mysticism or altered or new states of consciousness feels analogues to me (Lisa) in the way that lucid dreaming does.

“Am I a Buddhist and just don’t know? They’re talking about waking up.”

• Christianity is an Eastern religion. (Eastern Orthodox)

MIN 45:00
Being drawn into the mystery and a place beyond words and reason.

Enacting loving grace toward others when it doesn’t just stay in your head.

Incarnation and living in the world.

“Returned to Orthodoxy” – knowing the Jesus that is here now (not just the Jesus of the cross.)

Finding the Fable podcast:


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on Podbean

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