Friday and Saturday I took off to the Poconos with my daughter for a mother/daughter retreat. The whole getaway sneaked up on me, and I realized about an hour before we had to leave that we were due to attend this overnight cabin camping getaway.
Ten things I learned from my getaway:
1. When a female retreat speaker likes to take off her shoes (and has toes that look like man fingers) I have trouble concentrating.
2. Camp cabins have a wet sock meets wet canine smell. This is normal.
3. A retreat menu consists of 300% of one’s daily requirement of carbohydrates. (MMM and uh-oh.)
4. A camping getaway is not complete unless several bugs are captured and treated like members of the family, before they die in captivity.
5. Turkeys wake up at 4 a.m….vocalizing.
6. Even if a mom/daughter hike includes spotting deer up close, friendly fowl, and indescribable beauty, wet pants, shoes, and socks will incur massive amounts of overshadowing whining.
7. Staying up past 11 p.m. for its own sake makes an eight year old immeasurably ecstatic and then immeasurably exhausted 12 hours later. Usually there is crying involved.
8. Apparently, when camping, there’s no such thing as “too much candy”.
9. Unspoken camp rule: carbonated beverages are a right, not a privilege.
10. Mysterious forces beyond one’s control cause one’s washcloths and towels to dry in no less than four days.
What are some things you’ve learned from camping?
photos of our time away.
gi-normous cross at Twin Pines camp
She had her new friends sign it
Ellie showcasing her umbrella -ella -ella craft
tic that bit me
weird vine
deer, closer up
multi-colored shale
Ellie near shale pit
A symbol of our walk. (circling…we got lost in the woods)
WELL! Not too popular… this 5 day series (encouraged by Ed Cyzewski) didn’t get much (any?) participation of the contribution variety. Did it help anyone?
I. have. no. idea.
(but I hope so)
Would you still like a Mini Retreat today?
If so, try this:
Prepare yourself to take a short rejuvenating break to refreshen your day and your spirit. So, please eliminate potential distractions nearby. (Silence your phone, computer, shut your door, etc.) Now take a few deep breaths…in and out…just like a weird belly button. When you are fairly relaxed move to #1, just below.
1. On paper, or your computer, list the top ten blessings in your life.
2. Write the bullet points version of WHY they are blessings to you.
3. What do you come up with? Any patterns emerge?
4. Now, pray with those, and let your heart be full of thankfulness and gratitude.
5. End your time whistling, singing, playing the spoons, skipping, or something like that. Lighten up today. You need a break.
Bonus point. Now that you’ve come to the end of this series, share something with the rest of us.
Thank you, everyone.
SNEAK PREVIEW… Saturday’s post is entitled “Can a Person Absolve Your Sin”?
Ed Cyzewski invited me to carrying on with his 5 minute Retreat series this week. Today is day 4 of 5. I hope you find this brief exercise a way to create a bit of time and space in your day to refocus and reenergize. May God bless you.
This retreat would be best to do if you have a stone or brick handy. If it’s not easy to search for one outside, find something else, that feels weighty in your hand, like a paper weight, book, full water bottle, etc. Yes, I realize that sounds weird. Indulge me for a few minutes, k?
Before we start, please take a few steps to prepare yourself to take a short rejuvenating break to refreshen your day and your spirit. Together we will gain new perspective. So, please eliminate potential distractions nearby. (Silence your phone, computer, shut your door, etc.)
Ready? Here we go!
Hold your stone or object in your hand.
Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths. (Be aware of where you are. “Be where you are.” That is, push the chatter of your mind aside, purposefully, for this short and set amount of time.)
Now as you gain awareness of yourself in the spot where you are, be very aware of the weight of the object in your hand. Concentrate on that sensation for a bit. With your eyes closed, notice its bulk, size, “weightiness”, and stay with that for about 60 seconds. (That will feel like a LONG time. But, please do hang in there, friends!)
Now think of the things weighing you down in your day this week. Everybody has something. Do you have conflict in a relationship, too much to do, deadlines, struggles, car trouble, illness, loneliness, frustration? What is bothering you RIGHT NOW?
Think about how those things in your life really do feel like a weight resting on top of you. They are pushing you down. They feel heavy.
Now, feel the weight of the stone or object in your hand, and make the conscious association, of what weights you down with this weighted symbol of it that you are holding.
Feel their weight, and recognize that you want to be free of it. You want new strength and relief. You want to claim that release.
Talk to God briefly about your particular struggle/s, all while clutching your stone or object.
If you can say this next bit out loud, I recommend it. If that will be too awkward because of your surroundings, try to repeat this a few times in your mind:
God, I am laying my weight down. Take it from me. I willingly lay it down for you to pick up.
(Repeating this for your ownership of this act will help you a lot.)
Now set down your weight. Release it. Lay it down, with purpose. (If you are outside, you may want to throw it down, or put it in a trash can. Or, maybe that’s just me. OH! And watch out for glass. It can sneak up on you, just as you let your stone fly.)
NOW–Feel the weight lift. It’s GONE.
Breathe deeply.
Now walk away.
And thank God.
Thanks for coming along today, and daring to experience life a bit differently. I hope this is helpful to you in a special way. I’d love to hear about your experience, if you’d like to share it here.
The 2010 Election is barraging us at every turn. Is a break (or mini-retreat) possible? You Bet ‘Cha! whoops….um. I mean yes, yes it really is.
Every politician tries to offer his or her constituents HOPE.
It’s a word that gets tossed around A LOT. Just like the word CHANGE. It makes sense to offer this, when most of the time candidates can only hope there will be hope, and hope there will be change (for the better).
Today, let’s think about hope and change–which are quite linked–in ways that it applies to us personally, and how it relates to the source of all Hope–our Creator and Savior.
Thank you for coming here on day 3 of the 5 Minute Retreat in this 5 day series. Ed Cyzewski invited me to carrying on with his 5 minute Retreat series.
Before we start, please prepare yourself to take a short rejuvenating break, by eliminating potential distractions. (Silence your phone, computer, shut your door, etc.)
– Quickly (not giving it too much thought) jot down a few things that give you hope. (If you don’t have paper, think of 3 things, and keep them in the front of your mind.)
Read over these things a few times, and attach onto one item you’ve thought of, and roll it over in your mind.
-What has given you hope? What has produced change?
Lift these things to God, and ask God to fill your heart with hope, from his Everlasting well of Hope. God is Hope, epitomized. True hope comes from the Almighty God.
Today, as you go through your day, try to say/pray the words, “God give me Hope that comes from you.”
I would love to hear from you.
Do you enjoy these mini retreats? If so, there are 2 more coming. If not, have HOPE, and hang in there until Saturday.
Thank you for coming here. Ed Cyzewski invited me to carrying on with his 5 minute Retreat series, “with my own spin”. This is day 2.
Let’s enjoy a time and space set aside for refreshment. (Please feel free to comment anytime. Sharing your experience is valuable for all of us.)
First, prepare yourself to take a short rejuvenating break, by eliminating potential distractions. (Silence your phone, computer, shut your door, etc.)
Now, fold your hands. That’s right interlace your fingers as you clasp them together.
As you look at your hands, either your left or your right thumb will be on top. Many people hold their left thumb on the top. Which is it for you? (you can let us know in the comment section)
Now, re-clasp your fingers and thumbs so the opposite thumb is on the top.
It will feel unfamiliar, and perhaps “wrong” or slightly uncomfortable. (You can describe what it feels like to you in the comment section)
With your hands this unfamiliar way, take 3-5 deep inhales and exhales, slowly.
Think about the habits and routines in your life that you never really notice. Like… Tying your right shoe first, or sliding into your driver’s seat a certain way, preparing your coffee, brushing you teeth, or something more important, like checking your email first thing in the morning, or interacting with your kids.
Could this be a day where you can be extra aware of your daily habits? Today, could you survey all you do, and see if you want to change some things up?
Unfold your hands and fold them the uncomfortable way–again.
Pray about what make of the details in your life, that keep you from growing, or that keep you where you are, and not where you should be.
Do you need to forgive someone? Ask God to help you. Rely on his strength to forgive that person, through you, (with his strength) even if their are no warm feelings toward them, yet, or maybe ever.
Unforgiving habits are ruts we should overcome.
Try to fold and unfold your hands several times today to remind you of the habits you are in, and the ones that should change.
Stretch out your hands, arms, and body, and let out a big breath.
Take on the day!
Thanks for sharing this with me. May you be blessed.