Has Life Ever Felt NOT Real? [SSL 309]

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Get the spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️ 
just click the book or google search the title to get one, or a few for a book club.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many posts, perks, and goodies that unlock once you begin.

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This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

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HOW-TO: De-Trigger [SSL148]

Soul School Lesson info today is from (future guest) Dr Liz Mullinar’s book Heal For Life. AVAILABLE NOW in the U.S.A.!

• Extras for today’s episode are free for all HERE.

• Tickets to Sacred Spaces are available NOW. This is a destination retreat event experience is June 5-7, 2020- • More information and tickets can be found here.

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The Verve of Silence [SSL119]

Today, I’m introducing you to my new book, with a reading from it. 

Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:

Click the image for more info.

To get info and EXTRAS for this episode go the Spark My Muse Podcast dedicated Patreon support page HERE.

If my work here helps you in some way, please consider contributing a gift to help me.

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• You can also be a Spark My Muse hero/helper in these two ways:

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Eps 147: Living Deliberately; Guest, Chris Bailey

Today, my guest is Chris Bailey the author of  “Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction”

To get notes and EXTRAS (photos, links, and more) for this episode and more info about Chris, go the Spark My Muse Podcast special Patreon page HERE. (small fee to access)

Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:
If this labor of love I create for you and others each week helps you in some way, please consider contributing with a gift if you want to.

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• You can also be a Spark My Muse hero/helper in these two ways:

1. Share the program with another person today. 2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes HERE.
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Esp 121: Consciousness is Not in the Brain- Guest, Eben Alexander, MD

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.

Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER to listen.

Feature Photo by paul morris on Unsplash

Visit the Spark Store and get yourself a giftHERE.
What better way to show your support for this program and sport the snazzy new logo, too!

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But you still want to help or say “Thank you” for all the work that happens here, each week?

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Today’s guest is neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, MD.

Listen now with the

Living in a Mindful Universe – link and info

More information, featured material, links, and EXTRAS for this episode are FREE immediately to those who support this work. Support the show, and get ACCESS everything nowCLICK HERE to unlock them or to find out the date you can access them for FREE.

 You can be a Spark My Muse hero/helper in these two ways:
1. Share the program with another person today.
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