HA! Poetry in Motion, Sumo Style?

750 lbs doing the impossible.

I know what you’re thinking, “I never realized the beauty of Sumo wrestling.” Or maybe you’re thinking, “This is pure poetry in motion.” Or perhaps you’re thinking, “I wish I could scrub my brain!”

Would you like me to make a spiritual connection here? uh. Yeah. Sure… No problem.

This photo illustrates fat spiritual babies. Even when doing great there is still a hefty…ahem…amount of observable foolishness. (Old timers may remember Amy Grant’s little ditty, Fat Baby. Age to Age album 1982. Can you hear this music in the background? Read the fascinating lyrics here. (They don’t write them like this much anymore.) Link to video of live performance here. It’s worth it to see the early 80s hairdos.)

Leave any thoughts or comments! :)

Photo source NBC Sports.

In 2011, I’ll read the Bible more.

For Christians, these are some of the most devotional resolutions. “I want to pray more,” or “I want to read my Bible more.”

This year I resolved to not make a New Years resolution. This was mainly because last year, I resolved to lose 20 lbs, and I think I found 20 instead. Now the romance is gone, and I’m done with that sort of thing, at least for 1 year…if I keep my resolution, of course.

If you’d like to read the Bible more this year, I recommend first starting out with the best book I’ve ever read to help one understand the Bible better.

I like it so much, that when I find an inexpensive copy, I buy it, just to give it away.
To celebrate the 2011 NEW YEAR, I’ll do it again. In the month of January, if you post a comment that you’d like this book, I’ll put your name in the hat. Even though it’s the Year of the Rabbit, a rabbit won’t come out of the hat, but one fortunate person will be picked at random to get this book mailed to them. (No strings attached.)

PS If a rabbit leaves gifts of chocolate covered raisins on your porch, don’t eat them. This is a trick they pull every 12 years. You have been warned.

Nothing Says “Happy New Year” like Old Time Babies Drinkin’ Booze!

U2 sings “Nothing changes on New Year’s Day”, and I think they’re right. BUT, over the years what was considered cute seems to have changed. A lot.

This vintage card is from about the turn of the 20th century. (1900-ish, for anyone who is confused). Maybe this is why they came up with the Constitutional Amendment forbidding alcohol, (prohibiting alcohol, Amendment 18, for those of you who are confused). It seems too many babies were celebrating New Years Eve, and perhaps other holidays, and drinking from huge champagne glasses.

Babies shouldn't drink, even on New Years Eve

In 1933 came the repeal of this ill-conceieved ban: the 21st Amendment. This repeal was basically so people could drink themselves into drunken stupors because The Great Depression (economic collapse) made everyone (except really rich people) really poor. I’m not sure if babies got in on the drinking at that time too, but most of them probably went off to war a few years later (December 8, 1941September 2, 1945) to fight the Germans and the Japanese. Lots of alcohol was flowing then. And boom–no more Depression. Alcohol had solved everything.

Or maybe babies were just much, much smaller 110 years ago. The cork seems gigantic also. So, the mystery continues!

Any thoughts on this matter?

Any hopes for the New Year that you’d like to share?

Oh, and Happy New Year!

If people only knew…

What do you wish others knew about you?

Do you ever wonder if others really know you? (The real you)

If one tries for positive personal P.R. (public relations) it’s a sure way to find disaster of some kind. There’s nothing like the awkwardness of hearing someone spin their own outlook or circumstances to clue us into that person’s obvious desperation.

“I’m a good (or cool, or smart) person; please like me.”

Yet, most of us wonder if others misunderstand us, or really know us at a core level. Some of us have come to assume few, if any, do.

I’ve been watching Anne of Green Gables…on old skool VHS tapes (originals from 1985)!

(Kindred Spirits and bosom friends) Anne Shirley and Diana Barry

In that series of stories, there’s a lot of talk about “kindred spirits” and “bosom friends.” There’s much mention that Anne and others desire and cherish these sorts of relatioships–best friends who know you and love you. People who just “get you” and hope to spend time with you. People who seek you out, and love you at your most unlovable times.

I’ve been fortunate to have friends like these, but I can’t say that contemporary culture makes it likely. I find a number of potential kindred spirits won’t take the time to get to the deeper stage of so-called “bosom friends” (best of friends). Life is busy, and accomplishing things–rather than knowing and loving others– becomes paramount. And I think insecurity can short-curcuit the whole thing too, causing some of us to sabotage these depths, because of the emotional risk and the complicated consequences. Relationships, even the best ones, are messy and nuanced things.

This time of year is always reflective for me, as it is for many. Most of the time I think about the good and bad from the past year, and my hopes for the new year coming. But this year (now), it’s different. I’m thinking about friendships (and relationships). Ones I’ve had in high school, college, grad school, and other dimensions of adult life. It’s actually far more disappointing lately than I’d like to admit. If I would have to pick up and move away from my location, I wonder what or who I would miss. Far too little, I’m afraid. And that is something to ponder a bit more, and endeavor to change, if time allows.

Do you ever think about your lack of “bosom friends”?
Comments can be placed anonymously, if you choose.)

What do you wish others knew about you?
What do you hope for in your relationships that is not happening?

Don’t Eat the Fruit… cake.

Piece of fruitcake, 14 lbs.

Tonight is the Eve of Christmas Eve. Some have referred to this night as Christmas Adam…because Adam came before Eve. It’s all very Biblical, like Christmas itself, when Jesus came down a chimney, and was born under a tree, and then wrapped in swaddling gift wrappings.

I have usually rejected the moniker “Christmas Adam” because it takes away from Santa Clause. This is a tough night for Santa, with all the dry runs they have to do in the North Pole, and the elf toymaker’s threat of strike casting an unseemly shadow on this year’s holiday Super Bowl of Arctic events. It’s one of the best reasons compassion should be at the fore in our minds.

Christmas Adam is not so much a day of cheer. It’s a day of cuss words, traffic, last minute panic buying, and feeling like a dope for forgetting any number of basic merriment preparations.

And- Christmas Adam allows us reflection for one more important holiday theme. Don’t Eat the Fruit…cake.

I buy it twice almost every December, because a genetic mutation passed from my mother-in-law to my husband, allows them both to delight in the stuff. 28lbs later, my shopping is complete… if I remember to include the stuff.

Are you a fan of the holiday Cake of Candied Fruit? (Is it REALLY fruit anymore?) To me it seems like eating cement bread laced with misshaped jelly beans. Bleck!

I know one thing, it’s not Jesus’s favorite birthday cake. And calling it FRUITcake of the Spirit won’t help your cause either. (You can’t even get candles into it!)

Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year!