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• This production comes to you FREE each week, however it takes many hours and dollars to make. If you enjoy this work, please help todaywith a gift (of any amount) using PayPal (credit cards are accepted too).
Daniel J. Kirk writes and speaks about the big story of the Bible and how it intersects with life, faith, and culture. He earned a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and taught in a variety of institutions over a ten-year teaching career. He lives in San Francisco with his wife Laura and two school-aged children. His back yard has been overrun by chickens who have no interest in being confined to their designated space, and his refrigerator is regularly stocked with his homebrewed Cursing Reverend beer.
• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.
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Background… interests and the journey to create a podcast.
EXPLAIN Catacombic Theologian /
A desiring theology of becoming.
MIN 3:00 Education and a distaste for academia and models and formulas created there.
Explaining the name “freestyle Christianity”
experimental and a space that is open and with no doorkeepers.
And giving up the name
7:30 Religious background in childhood and how that’s changed
YWAM (Youth With a Mission)
10:00 Reading apologetic and learning about the boogie men of Evangelicals
Philosophy and Theologian as neighbors and a matter paychecks
Catacombic Theology explained in brief
asking to explain in old categories
Henri Berson
Taught to answer specific questions to guide our search for truth…. we should be shaping the questions.
We confuse the less with the more.
Why is there always something NEW?
• [Society] becomes oppressive because eventually the powerful decide the categories.
Sacrifice and squeezing in other groups into a form that wasn’t ever might for them and oppressive.
19:00 Cathedrals – catacombs in the basement. It may not reflect truth. It reflects what is being preached.
Re-present what we think is the truth. Not trying to re-present something.
Our theology (our cathedrals represent the people who built it.). We build boards (whether we see them or not and they function in an exclusive fashion.
The proclamation the church made that the spirit doesn’t move outside the Father or Son and the Son is found in the Church. (inside)
In theology, difference is looked at as if is presupposes opposition.
But it’s the other way around, opposition presupposes difference.
EXAMPLE: the Internet and new categories .
The Pope follows no one back on Twitter, because an old institution is misunderstanding a new category of communication.
How do the people of the Church gather in a way that works?
PETE ROLLINS episode & pints and parable
Twitter democratizes people and strips off labels of an old (pre digital) world.
New hierarchies are being created online where added a meaningful contribution makes you an important member.
Humans continue to have the same desire to connect (in-person) and gather.
Today, I have a special guest. Eric Zimmer has one of the top podcasts as rated by iTunes. It’s called “The One You Feed” and I have personally gained a lot from listening to it.
(This episode was marked “explicit” because the word other word “rump exit” is used a few times. You can probably handle that, but I can only mark the thing “clean” or “explicit” –ugh!)
Thank you to everyone who has helped with encouragement and gifts to keep the Spark My Muse show going.
If you have never contributed before, but you’ve enjoyed listening, now is a good time to chip in.
MIN 4:00 Eric tells the famous wolf parable that he asks each guest on his show (120 guests so far) and answers what it means for himself.
MIN 12:00 Eric’s spiritual and religious influences.
MIN 14:00 His alcoholism and addition and 12 step program.
MIN 15:00 Spirituality is the recognition that the things on the inside matter too as well as the outside.
MIN 16:30 Bill Wilson of AA interacted with Carl Jung who said alcohol is also known as “spirits” and imbibing is a search for transcendence. A “turning on” of life somehow.
MIN 20:30 Eric answers: What replaces the drugs and alcohol?
“Ask why the pain?”
MIN 22:30 On getting better and getting healthier.
MIN 36:30 On his Meditation and noticing practices
MIN 42:00 Being where you are
MIN 42:30 The waterfall and the rock metaphor – distance from the chattering thinker.
MIN 44:00 Sound meditation and training to focus
MIN 48:47 Dan Harris
MIN 50:00 Question thoughts and have a recognition of the distortions. We are not objective. We symbolize. Interrupt and generalize and seeing things as all or nothing.
MIN 54:00 On assuming others people’s motivations. The fundamental attribution error: Errors are attributed as character-based problems for OTHERS but only as circumstantial errors for ourselves.
MIN 58:00 Learn people’s stories.
MIN 59:00 Assuming that we don’t know a person’s backstory or reason they have done what they have.
MIN 60:00
We are telling ourselves stories over and over about what things mean. Our brains are meaning making machines.
I hope you get something helpful from this short episode. There are no typical shownotes this time.
As you hear this essay in verse, may it bring you some solace and comfort if you are in some kind of suffering, grief, or pain at this time.
The reading is available for download to refer to privately or with a friend. And if you’d like to speak to me about soul care stuff, I’d like to help, please use the contact tab and send me a message.
Option 1. Go HERE to be a patron / sponsor per episode–any amount and download it. (You can cancel anytime after your first contribution.)
Option 2. Use the Donate button in the left sidebar and contribute any amount to the show before 2016 and you will be sent the document right to your inbox, in about a day.
Thanks for listening!
I’d love to hear from you.
Tell me how you’re doing.
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Shane is a Soul Friend (Spiritual Director) with a focus on artists and creatives, be they “yuccies”, “slashies”, painters, musicians, or any one in need of deeper and more sustaining, soul-level communing.
How we find spark:
Together, we make the Spark My Muse podcast happen.
I prepare something and you digest it.
I invite you to just listen, read the show notes and click on links, and give what you can.
That’s all. :)
• If it’s worth nothing…um what? Are you serious? This just got more awkward..Aw…snap! I sincerely apologize. Let me know what I can improve and please come back and listen again soon!
• If it’s worth one dollar, five dollars, twenty-five dollars, six hundred dollars, a billion-zillion dollars… you get the idea…
simply, tap into the river of gratitude in your heart and contribute what you can– HERE or use that Paypal button, over yonder.
(Of course, since money isn’t everything, you can say “thanks” and help with something that is not monetary, just let me know here. You make fruit pies, right?)
• Use the social share buttons, spread the word, leave a great a review at iTunes…these are all ways to help too. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Every little bit helps a lot.
Thank you, listeners for making the show heard in 96 countries and a,l 50 of the United States!
• A trained Anam Cara (soul friend in the Irish Tradition).
• He lived with his wife and family in Ireland for 11 years!
Conversation (podcast) notes:
How Shane and his wife and family happened to live in Ireland for 11 years.
How God begins to grow dreams in us
Working at the Willow Creek Church
People have long said that still seems true. When foreigners come that end up being more Irish than the Irish themselves.
One of the most potent lessons learned from the Irish was the necessity to put people first. They take time to connect with each other and share life.
9:00 A sense of call to minister to artist and creatives.
9:40 On why he feels a passion to serve the creative community: “I believe the creative of today is the prophet of old”. It is a prophetic call.
“Creatives are called to paint a picture of the future that God is calling us all into. His Kingdom coming.”
“When a creative (person) using their gift…it taps into something deep inside of us and reverberates…and it feels like echoes of home.”
Jesus invites us to “walk with me and work with me.”
answering: What is Spiritual Direction (or soul friendship) actually?
A soul friend is “the best friend you’ve always wanted.”
and the Saint Bridgette quote…
A good picture is in the New Testament of the friends walking to Emmaus and then Jesus come in their midst. Unpacking life.
“The Soul Friend is someone who helps us see how God has been at work in our lives…so we can (as St. Ignatius says) “to recklessly abandon ourselves to his loving care.”
The problem with the phrase “Spiritual Director” on two counts so I use “soul friend”.
How he was trained in soul care and soul friendship
On becoming an Anglican Priest…
What he find to be the deepest needs of the creative community he works with?
Affirmation and Presence
Living in a Creative Age (moving from head to heart)
There’s an affective moving in society leading with Beauty first and then Truth that leads to freedom.
Alan Crieder
Behave Belong Believe (in which order should be in what era)
“What the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind justifies.”
The error of focusing too much on trying to convince people just intellectually.
Ignatian Spirituality
Celtic Spirituality
Soul Friendship
by Rev Ray Simpson (Church of England)
The Celtic Way of Prayer
by Ester De Waal
Holy Companions
on the hospitality and generosity of Irish spirituality.
The story of an Inn with 7 doors for the 7 roads.
Thank you so much for listening to the show!
To get alerts of the topics and the new and interesting folks coming to the podcast in future episode click HERE.
Here’s a tasting of who’s coming in the next few months: