Reason as a Venture of Trust [SSL 306]

I’m back to bringing you some philosophy courtesy of David Bentley Hart. This time an explanation of how first principles precede reason in determining reality from his article called Reason’s Faith from 2015

After you listen, you can find the link to the article and more at PART II on the substack page here ⬇️ :

To get the spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️ 
just click the book or google search the title to get one, or a few for a book club.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many posts, perks, and goodies that unlock once you begin.

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This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

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• Listeners like you make this work possible. 

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Downright Awestruck [SSL 301]

Today we are probing our sense of mystery and wonder.
Have you encountered AWE lately?
The people, book, and article mentioned, and more info and photos can be found at PART II:

To get the spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️ 
just click the book or google search the title to get one or a few.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many perks and goodies that unlock once you begin.

Want to come along side me with support regularly?
This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

• OF COURSE Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras! Start here:

OR make a contribution at

• Listeners like you make this work possible. 

Here’s how to help out:

1. Share the program with another person today.

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Feature photo is from NASA. The first is MSH 11-52, a supernova remnant blowing a spectacular cloud of energized particles resembling the shape of a human hand, seen in data from Chandra, NASA’s Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), and ground-based optical data.

Eps. 214 Collisions of Earth & Sky; guest, Heidi Barr

Today is a conversation with author, poet, and return guest Heidi Barr ⬇️

Book link (amazon affiliate):

(The Substack and Patreon links below have extras.)

(preview for free)
SUBSTACK extras:

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• Please help this program grow.

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2. Buy Lisa’s book The Wild Land Within []

The Fear of Connection [SSL 249]

Host Lisa Colón DeLay discusses the human need to connect with others to become more ourselves and how can we begin.

To read the article and get extras click to see the SUBSTACK updates as a paid supporter ❤️:

(sample it for free)

• Maybe you want to chip-in a bit each month?
Patreon supporters get ALL ACCESS to the Substack extras! ⬇️

Hurricane FIONA recovery

I’m collecting money for practical and recovery needs in Puerto Rico.

80% of the island’s agricultural areas were damaged or destroyed by Fiona. Reliable power/electricity and clean water are still hoped for by thousands more than a month later. or venmo: @lisadelay

here is a short list of organizations I trust:

Mi Patria :

La Fondita de Jesus:

Happy Givers Community Kitchen:

Listeners like you make this work possible. Please help this program…

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Still Life [SSL 229]

Today, I’m featuring the weekly work of curation (Still Life newsletter) by Michael Wright. You can support Michael at @bymichaelwright on Venmo or PayPal or sponsor books from this wishlist. Your support helps Still Life grow and stay adfree. Thank you!
More can be found when you support my work. Read the poem“Let Us Gather in a Flourishing Way”  by Juan Felipe Herrera for yourself at the links below:
• SUBSTACK EXTRAS (newsletter subscribers):

• PATREON EXTRAS (monthly supporters):

Check out the current SPARK MY MUSE ❤️ care project ❤️ at the go-fund-me page. Please contribute what you can.

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