These brief “lessons” are released each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek).
• Come back FRIDAYS for intriguing guest conversations! This Friday is my special guest: insightful philosopher, theologian, author and clever storyteller, Peter Rollins.
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Show notes
Transitions in life, pivotal moments, and things of significance often stay in abstraction in our minds. Nevertheless, as humans we are embodied souls–if you will. We are beings who experience a full array of sensations with our felt senses. Instead of being cut off from these very human ways of interacting with the world and with each other, I say we should go the extra bit and bring our interior world to the surface in tangible and representational ways. What if we embody and physically ritualize this part of us–when it makes sense? That is, make it sacramental or give what is invisible a visible placeholder.
Today’s episode focuses on how we might integrate mind and body and inhabit or even perform in a space in the tangible world that allows for rites of passage or significant moments in our times of life transitions. What if we create a holistic and gracious space for our thoughts and feelings representationally, as we journey through difficult, monumental, or joyous moments that seem too rich or deep to keep within? Will this make it possible to be “more authentically ourselves”?
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INTRO to EPS 27 Andi Cumbo-Floyd found that farm life taught her about the divine whispers that ignite creativity. Now, she invites writers for workshops full of rest and fellowship. She welcomes and nurtures weary pilgrims to her beautiful rural retreat space so they can create in a safe and life-giving way.
Monks don’t withdraw from the world to hide. They withdraw to pray and prayer is action. (Thomas Merton)
Storing up our reserves to be more powerful in the world as an agent for healing and change.
On Andi’s writing retreat space called God Whisper Farms. Building the farm and fixing it up. Meeting her husband and getting goats and chickens and then relocating the farm to a place with 15 acres.
Mennonite Tradition. Pastor Jesse Johnson…God whispered (a.k.a. “still small voice”)
Upcoming residency for writers and artists to have a refuge and respite.
The Coal Regions of the East and Yuengling Brewery
Breeding Goats and making soap and gathering eggs.
Nature will not be rushed.
You can’t squeeze chickens to get eggs when you want them. They are the boss.
Don’t forget to join in for the LIVE interactive discussion of this episode the same day its’ released (Tuesday).
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Right now, one of the most powerful and influential men in the world is undoubtably Pope Francis.
Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, but too few people know the specific qualities of his Order (The Society of Jesus-Ignatian spirituality). His spirituality and training powerfully and uniquely guide his worldview, philosophy of vocation and work, and themes of his prominent, worldwide administration especially when compared with his predecessors.
Through his decisions, he influences Roman Catholics internationally (a staggering 1.1 billion people) and his ideas influence and inspire many of the 2.2 billion people who consider themselves Christian (specifically: a follower of the way of Jesus), including me.
What is most influential to Pope Francis?
His training in the Society of Jesus (the Catholic Order founded by Ignatius of Loyola 400 years ago). This is what guides how he see the world and makes all his important decisions that direct the Catholic Church and influence others worldwide.
Today, we will learn more about these teachings that often come out-of-sync with the ways and structures of established institutions of religion, politics, and power.
Spirutal Director, Jeanine Breault, formally trained in Jesuit Ignatian Spirituality
Today, you will hear from my spiritual director, Jeanine Breault, a Roman Catholic who is formally trained in the Ignatian tradition. We converse about some of the salient characteristics of the Ignatian spiritual teachings and traditions.
Thus, you will find out the manner in which Pope Francis is directed spiritually by his own spiritual director within this 400 year old spiritual tradition; learn how Ignatian spiritual directors (and the current Pope) see the world and how God works in it, and more.
SHOWNOTES: EPS 24: The (Ignatian) Spirituality of Pope Francis
MIN: 1:00
Answering: What is Ignatian Spirituality?
Finding God in all things. We are invited to notice how God is at work. More than head knowledge but an experiential knowledge.
God is always at work for the good in my life and in my world and growing in that awareness. How can I respond to God’s call?
3:30 An Intimate relationship with God SO THAT I can labor with God.
Now that there is a Pope who is a Jesuit (the first in history) how does that shift the role and the the way he see the world as the head of the church.
On Pope Francis’s new letter “The Joy of the Gospel” and the Jesuit flavorings contained within and the influence on his life.
On the massive changes at the Vatican.
Who was Ignatius of Loyola?
The story of the man who founded the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)
Born in 1491 and his message continues to changes peoples lives.
His war injury and what changed his life.
The mystical experience he had.
He work in the discernment of spirits (his work called the Spiritual Exercises) and how these forces work in our lives.
Discerning and choosing between two goods.
The rules for discernment that can be applied to anyone at anytime.
The basic of the rules of discernment.
When a person is oriented to God and desires to please God, then God confirms that and gives graces of peace, joy, and comfort. The opposite feelings do not come from God (fear, anxiety, discouragement, despair, etc).
Through the Ignatian spiritual exercises, one can figure out what is of God and what is not.
People coming to direction for the first time are really grappling with a sense of God’s love for them (and not really believing it.)
Coming to a spirit-led decision and grace is involved.
Overcoming the obstacle of unworthiness.
Working at cultivating people’s awareness. Asking questions that create space for inquiry, discovery and discernment.
We forget that God loves at at some level and it’s a continual process of remembering.
Her experience with guilt in prayer because of a lack of focus. Apologizing to God about being preoccupied. And the amazing thing God seemed to say in response.
The part of affirming the goodness of God and what God is doing in that person’s life is the job of the director.
The answer won’t expect to my question: “What do you say or do when people can’t see or sense God, or they have a blindness and are unaware?” (Maybe an “image of God problem”)
The “director” is not a good word. The Spirit of God is the actual director and it’s God’s business.
The parallel with gardening and patience for growth.
“God loves that person more than you do.”
On not “fixing” things and solving problems.
Compassionate listening and getting out of the way for God to work better.
What supervision of a spiritual director looks like so that good listening can keep happening for those directed.
Finding a director that is properly prepared to direct others is crucial.
Asking Jeanine, “What happens in your mind and heart when you find yourself wanting to solve problems and rescue someone?”
Remembering the kind of ministry direction is. A prevailing ope that God is at work and in control ultimately. It’s sacred time and time to stay focused. Setting aside things when they come up.
Do people expect you to be their counselor? And what happens when that happens during direction?
Helping people know what to expect from direction and how to find someone who is properly trained.
The international listing of trained directors.
Director will work with people from any tradition.
The connection of Buddhism and Christian Mysticism in practice. Seeing the goodness in other traditions.
John O’Donohue and his comments of what Buddhism can brings to Christianity and vice versa.
Noticing the “now”.
Coming to a vibrant faith where (you realize) God is working in this very moment.
Relationships are the ways we become tuned to God and working out our salvation in real life and ordinary experiences.
Resources to continue on this path.
Ronald Rollhieser The Holy Longing and Prayer: Our Deepest Longing
Carmelite nun Ruth Borrows. Guidelines for Mystic Prayer
Here’s a picture of me “at the office” as I write this post. I love creating episodes and posts for you, and it’s especially nice to do it outdoors…but I’m going to need a hoodie…more on that later.
This short Sunday episode contains news and info.
I’m debuting my new microphone for you to hear. Tell me if you can hear the difference!
A few Episodes are already in the queue, but after those air, you will hear a much richer and higher quality sound demonstrated in this short episode! Many thanks for your kind response to my need for financial support. I still need to buy more monthly space at the audio hosting site, but it is a landmark accomplishment to upgrade my mic and I had to share my joy, gratitude, (and the new and improved sound) with you!
It’s getting chilly. Time for a cozy hoodie (ends SEPT 7th! These are on sale to finance the show and ordering ends soon: SEPTEMBER 14th.