Trauma therapist Aundi Kolber is my guest. With her book Strong Like Water, Kolber builds from her critically-acclaimed and much-beloved first book called Try Softer. Her work has been healing and life-giving to many including myself.
(Book links are Amazon affiliate links)
(The Substack and Patreon links below have extras—including the latest work from Puerto Rico!)
It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.
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Today’s guest is LaKisha Lockhart.
More information, featured material, links, and EXTRAS for this episode are FREE immediately, CLICK HERE.
These brief “lessons” are released each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek).
• Come back FRIDAYS for intriguing guest conversations! This Friday is my special guest: insightful philosopher, theologian, author and clever storyteller, Peter Rollins.
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Show notes
Transitions in life, pivotal moments, and things of significance often stay in abstraction in our minds. Nevertheless, as humans we are embodied souls–if you will. We are beings who experience a full array of sensations with our felt senses. Instead of being cut off from these very human ways of interacting with the world and with each other, I say we should go the extra bit and bring our interior world to the surface in tangible and representational ways. What if we embody and physically ritualize this part of us–when it makes sense? That is, make it sacramental or give what is invisible a visible placeholder.
Today’s episode focuses on how we might integrate mind and body and inhabit or even perform in a space in the tangible world that allows for rites of passage or significant moments in our times of life transitions. What if we create a holistic and gracious space for our thoughts and feelings representationally, as we journey through difficult, monumental, or joyous moments that seem too rich or deep to keep within? Will this make it possible to be “more authentically ourselves”?
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Today, my guest is anam cara (soul friend), Tara Owens, of Anam Cara Ministries.
Tara’s ministry exists to provide a place dedicated to the practice of soul friendship and coming alongside others in order to facilitate healing, wholeness, holiness and spiritual formation.
• We cover topics about embodiment, sexuality, sensuality, body shame, body and brain disconnect, fear, technology, the vow of “staying with”, spiritual direction, holy listening and attending to others, and using an adult coloring book as a spiritual practice.
• SCROLL DOWN and click the AUDIO PLAYER to listen and to view Show Notes!
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SPECS: Stainless steel, insulated, tapered bottom, 14oz travel mug with highly desirable, super-duper cool Spark My Muse logo. Perfect for enjoying a beverage in your vehicle as you listen to Spark My Muse. Limited quantities!