Testimony of Simplicity; from Quaker Thomas R. Kelly [SSL153]

Today, I read and reflect on an excerpt on simplicity and the presence of God from the little gem of a book called A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly a Quaker mentored by Rufus Jones (both of these Quaker men greatly influenced the spirituality of one of my favorite spiritual teachers, Dr Howard Thurman.)

• Find a list of independent bookstores here and order from them during the COVID19 shut down. The beautiful music is called Song Sparrow by Chad Crouch at Sound of Picture.
Find more on this episode HERE. (Support the program today and unlock extras from many episodes – patreon.com/sparkmymuse) – SparkMyMuse.com contains over 325 audio episodes, an online store, and resources. Enjoy!

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Eps 137: Writing Letters to the Misfit Mystics, guest Christiana N. Peterson

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of
Spark My Muse.
Guest Episode 137

Today my guest is Christiana Peterson. Her book is wonderful!
(photos featured are by Christiana)


Check out the EXTRAS for this episode and more info about Christiana, HERE.

Listen now with the


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Protected: Preparing for the Discernment Process (a follow up post; part 1)

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A worldview of "Traveling Life Well" by Rolf Potts

Rolf Potts

I wanted to share this video, by travel writer Rolf Potts, because I appreciated Rolf’s worldview, and attitude about enjoying life. I think we’d be better off absorbing his 5 tips, than doing, or seeking a great many other things.

Rolf’s begins by telling viewers that time (not money, achievements, or things) is our greatest temporal treasure.

Enjoy and live well.

Simplicity and enjoying another Apple project

Isn’t simplicity nice? Why not take the things we use all the time, and merge them properly?

mac-tablet-conceptHere’s a link to the new project from Apple. This light weight computing instrument “erases the line between mobile phone and laptop.” With this wholly different machine, Apple is likely to reinvent computing, like the ipod, reinvented/developed mp3 music. 

Read article:

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