Tag: do
Protected: Preparing for the Discernment Process (a follow up post; part 1)
Protected: Finding Meaningful Work
Protected: A 7 Step Discernment Process
Jesus: Usually Calming People Down

I was struck by a pattern during my Holy Week meditations and reflections.
Jesus says, “Peace be with you,” a lot.
He brings calm. He comforts the frighted and bewildered.
He says in the most soothing way possible,
“Chill, ya’ll.”
When Jesus scares the stink out of his followers as he walks on the lake to meet them one a dark and storm night, he says,
“Easy now..It’s okay. It’s me!”
When Jesus is about to be arrested by a friend-turned-backstabber, then tried by a rigged court, and brutally tortured and killed, he spends time building up the courage of his followers and giving them condolence.
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
When the disciples are grieving from his death, terrified and meeting behind locked doors, he comes to them, his scarred hands outstretched–offering solace and reassurance.
“Shalom aleikhem!”
It’s no small thing.
Our invitation is to do the same.
In trying circumstance be the voice of peace.
Be the source of calm.
Be a comforter.
And to those who like to over-mention when Jesus angrily overturns the tables at the temple as a way to justify their seething rage, I say, “peace”.
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