Tag: exercise
What is Grenzbegriff?
A Guy Taking Pictures via Compfight
I didn’t know about this word until recently. English seems to lack a word that encompasses this concept. Yet, it seems the concept itself is ever-present and worth a word of its own.
Grenzbegriff noun. [‘grɛntsbǝgrɪf]
[German: from Grenze meaning limit, boundary + the word Begriff meaning concept.]
In Kantian philosophy this is a concept that describes the limitation of sense-experience. The word describes a / the concept of limitation and, in general, it describes one’s conception of an unattained ideal…just out of reach.
Something real and yet undefinable because we see (perceive) but a shadow of it is described in grensbegriff. This, which we cannot perceive is somewhere off the map away from what we experience with our senses. Maybe it is even more real than we are.
Let’s have class today. To what things could this word apply?
Love? Art? Hope? What else?
(This means: in your opinion. Please don’t worry about “correctness”. This is just an exercise and I’d love to hear from you.)
Protected: Discernment Series: Lent, Fasting, and Discernment, part 1
Protected: Discernment Series
Ice Baths and Squats (or, Care of Body as a Spiritual Discipline)

It is a Spiritual Discipline to properly care for your body. It’s one I’ve been quite poor at doing.
I was really fascinated by these 3 “body hacks” from Tim Ferriss that can help with fat loss very efficiently and speedily.
I pass them on to you for 5 main reasons.
1. It’s good for you (body, mind, spirit).
2. I’m going to give them a try and doing them together would be more fun.
3. They’re very simple, and your success will encourage us both.
4. I LOVE to share awesome things I find with my friends.
5. Warmer weather is coming (which means less hide-your-bulges clothing). Really it is only about 6 weeks away, and you’ll thank me.
CLICK this link below to view the videos. AND Keep me posted, please.
Four Hours to Your Perfect Body, Pt. 1
Have you ever had an ice bath?
How much would you have to be paid to try it for 10 minutes?